



The coastal area:

The coastal area near Ragusa is characterized by sandy public beaches where it is possible to swin safely in the sea. Infact the sea-floor slopes gradually an this is very important for people who don't love deep water.
· The natural reserve "Foce del fiume Irminio" where it is possible to swin in the cleanest stretch of the sea in the sout-east of Sicily. In the nature reserve one can see migrating and non-migratory birds and among the sand dunes, the originary areas of the mediterranean forest, with junipers, lentisk and palms.
· Marina di Ragusa: it is full of seafronts and public places of a musement, supermarkets and shops, a big acquapark, a nautical club, pubs, restaurants, discos and cinemas.
· Donnalucata: it is an ancient village populated mostly by sailors; it has a characteristic seafront, a large wide beach, fresh fisch markets and shops of handcraft and ceramics.
· Cava d'Aliga, Sampieri, Scoglitti are renomed for their beautiful gold sand.
· The ruins of the greek Kamarina and its archeological museum.

The inland:

The inland offers, besides excursions through the wild nature, the quarries and the woods, also very interesting and cultural journeys, such as:
· Cava d'Ispica famous for its early Christian settlement
· Ragusa Ibla, Modica and Scicli renowened for their magnificient baroque architecture
· The castle of Donnafugata well-known for its sumetuous rooms and the garden full of mediterranean plants
Besides, within about 150 Kms, it is possible to visit in day trips siracusa, Noto, Agrigento, Piazza Armerina, the exvacations of Morgantina, Taormina, the volcano Etna and its park, Pantalica, the gorges of Cassibile, Capo Passerto, the nature reserve of Vendicari and Eloro.
- From Pozzallo, near Marina di Ragusa , Malta can be easily reached and visited in a day, thanks to the daily iourney of the fast and confortable catamarans.

In the characteristic farms of the area one can taste the typical dishes of the local gastronomy made in conformity with the ancient tradition of our ancestors.
The dairy products, especially chees and "ricotta" (cottage cheese made of skimmed milk), are very good and can be tasted and boujht in the farms scattered in the area.


Fascia costiera:

La fascia costiera iblea è caratterizzata da spiagge sabbiose libere dove è possibile prendere il bagno in tutta tranquillità in quanto il fondale marino degrada molto dolcemente; ideale per coloro che non amano l'impatto con l' acqua troppo alta.


Riserva naturale "Foce del fiume Irminio", dove è possibile fare il bagno nel tratto di costa più pulito e integro della costa sud orientale della Sicilia. Nella riserva si possono osservare uccelli migratori e stanziali, e, tra le dune, i lembi originari della macchia-foresta mediterranea con ginepri, lentischi, palme nane.
Marina di Ragusa: ricca di lungomari e spazi pubblici, supermercati e negozi di ogni tipo, attrattive varie, grande parco acquatico, club nautico e velico, pubs, ristoranti, cinema all’aperto, discoteche.
Donnalucata: antico borgo marinaro di pescatori con suggestivo lungomare, ampia spiaggia, rivendite di pesce fresco, ceramiche artigianali.
Cava d'Aliga, Sampieri, Scoglitti, rinomate per le bellissime spiagge dorate I resti della greca Kamarina e il suo museo archeologico.


L’entroterra, oltre ai percorsi escursionistici nella natura selvaggia delle "cave" iblee o sui rilievi boscosi.nel raggio di pochi chilometri, offre itinerari di grande interesse culturale tra cui: 


Cava d’Ispica per gli insediamenti rupestri paleocristiani 
Ragusa Ibla, Modica e Scicli per il magnifico barocco 
Il Castello di Donnafugata, per le sue ricche sale ed il parco ricco di piante mediterranee.

Inoltre, nel raggio di circa 150 Km sono visitabili, in escursioni giornaliere, Siracusa, Noto, Agrigento, Piazza Armerina, gli scavi di Morgantina, Taormina, il parco dell’Etna, Pantalica, le gole del Cassibali, Capo Passero, la riserva di Vendicari, Eloro. Dal vicino porto di Pozzallo si può visitare in giornata Malta grazie alle corse quotidiane di veloci e confortevoli catamarani.

Nelle caratteristiche masserie dell'altipiano o nelle numerose aziende agrituristiche, è possibile gustare i tipici piatti della gastronomia iblea realizzati secondo le antiche tradizioni dei ns. antenati. Di grande levatura sono i prodotti caseari (ricotta e formaggi) che si possono assaggiare ed acquistare presso i numerosissimi produttori sparsi per tutto l'altipiano.


Bande cotière
La bande cotiere iblea est caractérisée par des plages libres ,de sable ,ou on peut se baigner en tranquillité puisque le fond marin dégrade doucement, c'est l'idéal pour ceux qui n'aiment pas l'eau trop profonde.

Réserve naturelle, embouchure de la fleuve Irminio l'on se baigne sur la partie de la cote plus propre de la Sicile sud orientale. Dans la réserve on peut observer les oiseaux migrateurs et ceux non migrateurs,, parmis les dunes, les pointes originaires de la garrigue avec des genévriers, lentisques et palmiers nains.
Marina di Ragusa: Riche en promenades de bord de mer, espaces public, supermarchés et magasins de toutes sortes ,attractions, un grand parc aquatique, club nautique et vélique, pubs, restaurants, cinéma en plein air ,discothèques.
Donnalucata: l'ancien bourg maritime de pêcheurs avec une promenade suggestive, vaste plage, reventes de poisson frais, céramique artisanale.
Cava d'Aliga, Sampieri, Scoglitti, connus pour les merveilleuses plages dorées.
Les ruines de la grecque Kamarina et son musée archéologique.
Tous les jours, du port de Pozzallo, partent des confortables et rapides catamarans ,pour aller visiter Malta.

Avec les excursions dans la nature sauvage des " cave iblee " ou sur les reliefs boisés, l'arrière-pays, offre des itinéraires très intéressants à niveau culturel, parmi eux :
Cava d'Ispica pour les établissements rocheux paléochrétiens, Ragusa Ibla, Modica, Scicli pour le Baroque.
Le Château de Donnafugata pour ses riches salles et le parc plein de plantes mediterraneennes.
Dans un rayon de 150 kilomètres on peut visiter Siracusa, Noto, Agrigento, Piazza Armerina, les fouilles de Morgantina, Taormina, le parc de l'Etna, Pantalica, Cassibali, Capo Passero, la réserve de Vendicari, Eloro.
Chez les typiques fermes de l'haut plateau ou chez les agritourismes on peut goûter les spécialités de la gastronomie du lieu réalisées selon les anciennes traditions .
Les produits fromagers sont très importantes (ricotta, fromages) qui peuvent être goûtés ou achetés chez les producteurs sur l'haut plateau.



Franja costera:
La franja costera iblea esta caracterizada por playas de arena libres donde es posible tomar el baño con toda tranquilidad ya que el fondo marino degrada muy dulcemente, ideal para las personas que no aman el impacto con el agua demasiado alta.

Reserva natural " Foce del fiume Irminnio", donde es posible darse un baño en el pedazo de costa más limpio e integro de la costa sur horiental de Sicilia. En la reserva se pueden observar pajaros migratorios y asentados, y entre las dunas, los bordes originarios de un bosque forestal mediterraneo con enebros, palmas enanas.

Marina di Ragusa: Rica en paseos maritimos y espacios públicos , supermercados y negocios de cada tipo, atractivos varios, un grande parque aquático, club naútico y de vela, pubs, restaurantes, cine al aire libre, discotecas.

Donnalucata: antiguo pueblecito marino de pescadores con sugestivos paseos maritimos, amplia playa, reventas de pescado fresco, ceramica artesanal.

Cava d'Aliga, Sampieri, Scoglitti, renombradas por las bellisimas playas doradas. Los restos de la griega Kamarina y su museo arqueologico

El interior, a parte del los recorridos excursionisticos en la naturaleza salvaje de las canteras ibleas o sus relieves boscosos, en el radio de pocos kilometros, ofrece itinerarios de grande interes cltural entre los cuales:

Cava d' Ispica por los asentamientos rupoestres paleo cristianos
Ragusa Ibla, Modica e Scicli por el magnifico barroco
El Castello di Donnafugata, por sus ricas salas y el parque rico en plantas mediterraneas.
Además, en el radio de alrededor de 150Km son visitables, en excursiones diarias, Siracusa, Noto, Agrigento, Piazza Armerina, gli scavi di Morgantina, Taormina, El parque del Etna, Pantalica, Las gargantas del Cassibali, Capo Passero, la reserva de Vendicari, Eloro. Del vecino puerto de Pozzallo se puede visitar durante el dia Malta gracias a los recorridos cotidianos de veloces y confortables catamaranes.

Dicono di noi

A wonderful holiday

We recommend this charming villa set amongst the fields outside of Ragusa as the perfect place to relax. It is so peaceful and the surrounding countryside is beautiful.The only sounds you will occasionally hear are the neighbour's dogs and a rooster. We visited in May 2012 and apart from one day the weather was warm and sunny. The large and well maintained pool provided an excellent place to have fun and cool down in the afternoon. We were on our honeymoon and the friendly owners Elio and his wife Giovanna provided us with a host of local treats and a celebratory bottle of Prosecco. They were full of useful information and very kind to us. The villa has been lovingly restored by the owners and is clean, spacious and well kitted out. The kitchen has every utensil and appliance you could wish to use. There is a wealth of fresh produce to purchase in the towns nearby, so if like us you enjoy cooking you will be able to make some fantastic dishes! The garden is beautiful, with hammocks ideally positioned in the shade for an afternoon nap. The location is ideal and we were easily able to explore the picturesque baroque towns of Ragusa, Modica and Noto. The flower festival held in Noto in May is an event not to be missed! Ragusa Ibla and Modica are great for an afternoon or evening walk followed by an ice cream or aperitivo. They have a wealth of bars, gelaterias and restaurants. The Caffè dell'Arte in Modica sells the best chocolate we have ever tasted. The Osteria dei Sapori Perduti in Modica is a lovely place to eat. The menu is fantastic value, serving a variety of traditional, unpretentious Sicilian dishes. During our stay we also got time to visit The Valley of the Temples at agrigento, The Scala dei Turchi, Siracusa & Ortigia. They were well worth visiting and very easy to do as day trips. For those wanting to visit the beach, nearby Marina di Ragusa is worth a trip. I believe Elio also has an apartment there to rent. A thoroughly enjoyable and memorable stay.

By Rafael from Southend on Sea, UK for a stay in May 2012

Excellent rent experience in a nice area of Sicily

"Nous sommes allés deux étés successifs dans cette maison absolument délicieuse. L'environnement naturel est trés beau et l'on jouit méme d'une vue sur la mer au loin depuis la terrasse. La maison est trés joliment renovée avec des matériaux anciens, tout est trés propre et de bon goét. La piscine est trés agréable. Nos deux séjours furent un enchantement. Elio et Giovanna, les propriétaires, sont pleins d'attention et extrémement accueillants. Un petit coin de paradis."

By Judith from Lille, France for a stay in Juillet 2009


Since October 2013, the company RyanAir has weekly flights from London (Stansted), Brussels (Charleroi) and Rome (Ciampino) to Sicily - Comiso Airport.
Comiso is located just 10 km from the Villa Ragusa and 20 km from the Residence Punta di Mola in Marina di Ragusa



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