


The country villa with swimming pool in South-east of Sicily

The villa can entertain up to six persons (1 double bedroom, 1 twin bedroom) + studio apartment for two.

It has been recently restructured respecting the sicilian traditions and readapted to the demands of the times today's.
The inside of the villa paved with stone "pece", the typical kitchen in stonework and the old furnishing they make the warm and comforting environment
From the ample courtyard " Baglio " in white bricks of hard limestone you can go to the with swimming pool. From the terrace, you can enjoy a suggestive panorama and of romantic sunsets on the country that degrades up to the sea.
In the garden they are cultivated fruit trees and essences of the mediterraneo.
Sees the proximity from the shore in the summer period fast diurnal episodes you can be alternated to the sea for the bath to relaxing evenings under the stars to the clear one of moon.
This villa is ideal to spend with the family a relaxant vacation in Sicily in a particularly warm environment, pleasant, serene and above all to dimension of man.

it is a rural district wich taches its name from the mulberry tree.
About 7 Kms awai from Ragusa and about 15 Kms from the sea. It is near (3Kms) the turn-offs of the provincial roads wich connect Pozzallo to Catania and Siracusa to Trapani.
From here it is very easy to reach the most inportant tourist place in the middle-east of Sicily.
In the typical farms of the nearby countryside one can see how the formers prepare the dairy products made from milk: from the milking to the cheese, which you can also eat on the spot, in order to taste the freshnes of those products.
There are many farms where it is possible to taste the typical dishes of the local gastronomy.
This country villa can be easily reached from the nearly provincial road.
The inside of the house has been completely rebuilt to satisfy the modern needs respecting the old local tradition.




Villa "Gelso"


Typique villa de campagne avec piscine.
La villa peut accueillir jusqu'à six perçons (1 chambre double, 1 chambre twin) + dépendance pour deux

Elle a été restructurée récemment en respectant les notres traditions et réadaptée aux exigences d'aujourd'hui.
L'intérieur de la villa pavé avec pierre-poix, la typique cuisinière en murage et les meubles en style, rendent la maison très accueillante.
A' l'extérieur de la villa par la grande cour " baglio " fait de cailloux de calcaire dur on accède à la piscine. De la terrasse, on voit un panorama suggestif, des couchers de soleil très romantiques sur la campagne qui arrive jusqu'à la mer.
Dans le potager il y a des plantes à fruits et des essences méditerranéen.
Grâce à la proximité du littoral on peut aller à la mer et le soir se détendre en voyant les étoiles ou clair de lune.
C'est l'idéal pour passer avec la famille une vacance délassante dans un endroit particulièrement chaud, accueillant ,détendu ,et surtout confortable.

Rue "Gelso"

C'est une rue loin 7 kilomètres de Ragusa et 15 kilomètres de la mer, 3 kilomètres des bretelles des diramations pour Catania, Pozzallo , Siracusa, Trapani. D'ici on peut facilement rejoindre les principaux zones touristiques de la Sicile centre orientale en plus on peut aller à la découverte des traditions qui existent encore aujourd'hui chez les paysans de Ragusa.
A' côté des typiques fermes de l'haut plateau ibleo on a la possibilité de voir la préparation des produits dérivés du lait, de la traite jusqu'à la préparation de la RICOTTA(Sérai) et du fromage et il y a la possibilité de le goûter sur le lieu pour ne pas gaspiller sa fraîcheur et sa fragrance.
Chez beaucoup d'agritourismes il est possible goûter les spécialités de la gastronomie locale.
On peut rejoindre facilement la maison vacances de " Rue Gelso " par la voie provinciale.



"Chalet" en Sicilia con piscina

La Villa puede albergar hasta 6 personas (1 habitación doble, 1 habitación doble) + dependencia para dos.
La Villa se ha reestructurado recientemente respetando las tradiciones locales y readaptada a las exigencias de hoy.
El interior de la villa pavimentada con "piedra pece", la típica cocina hecha de albañileria y dos baños, la decoración con muebles de estilo, crean un ambiente calido y acogedor.
En el exterior, del amplio patio empedrado o de la amplia terraza, se goza de un sugestivo panorama y de romanticas puestas de sol sobre la montaña iblea que degrada hasta el mar.
En el huerto estan cultivadas plantas de fruto y esencias mediterraneas tipicas de Sicilia.
Considerada la favorable posición, se pueden alternar veloces escapadas diurnas al mar para darse un baño e interesantes excursiones culturales y ambientales en la Sicilia sur-horiental para despues transcurrir serenas veladas bajo las estrellas a la luz de la luna.
Ideal para pasar con la familia unas relajantes vacaciones en un ambiente particularmente cálido,acogedor y sereno.


Es una carretera distante alrededor de km de Ragusa y alrededor de 15 km del mar a solo 3km del cruce para coger las carreteras Catania/Pozzallo y Siracusa/Trapani.
Desde aqui no solo se pueden visitar facilmente las principales localidades turísticas de Sicilia centro-horiental, sino que sobre todo se pueden descubrir las tradiciones que todavia hoy mantienen los campesinos ragusani.
A dos pasos de la villa , en las tipicas gramjas del altiplano ibleo, tendras la posibilidad de asistir a todas las fases de la preparación de los productos derivados de la leche; desde el ordeño hasta la preparación de la ricotta o el queso, que podras comer in situ para no desperdiciar la fresqueza y la fragancia.
Son numerosas las empresas agroturísticas donde es posible degustar los típicos platos de la gastronomia iblea y siciliana.
La Villa de " Contrada Gelso" es fácil de encontrar desde la carretera povincial.


"Casina" in Sicilia con piscina

La Villa può ospitare fino a sei persone (1 camera matrimoniale, 1 camera con due letti) + dependance per due.
La villa e' stata di recente ristrutturata nel rispetto delle tradizioni locali e riadattata alle esigenze dei tempi d'oggi.
L'interno della villa pavimentato con "pietra pece", la tipica cucina in muratura, i due bagni e l'arredamento con mobili in stile rendono l'ambiente caldo ed accogliente.
All'esterno, dall'ampio cortile "baglio" in ciotolato di calcare duro e bianco si accede alla piscina. Dalla ampia terrazza, si gode di un suggestivo panorama e di romanticissimi tramonti sulla campagna iblea che degrada fino al mare.
Nell' orto sono coltivate piante da frutto ed essenze mediterranee tipiche della Sicilia.
Considerata la favorevole posizione si possono alternare veloci puntate diurne al mare per il bagno a interessanti escursioni culturali ed ambientali nella Sicilia sud-orientale per poi trascorrere serene serate sotto le stelle al chiaro di luna.
Ideale per trascorrere con la famiglia una rilassante vacanza in un ambiente particolarmente caldo, accogliente, sereno e soprattutto a dimensione d'uomo.


è una contrada distante circa 7 Km da Ragusa e circa 15 Km dal mare a soli 3 Km dagli svincoli degli assi viari di Catania/Pozzallo e Siracusa/Trapani.
Da qui non solo si possono facilmente raggiungere le principali località turistiche della Sicilia centro-orientale, ma soprattutto si può andare alla scoperta delle tradizioni che ancora oggi vengono mantenute dai contadini ragusani.
A due passi dalla villa, nelle tipiche fattorie dell'altopiano ibleo, avrai la possibilità di assistere a tutte le fasi della preparazione dei prodotti derivati dal latte; dalla mungitura alla preparazione della ricotta e del formaggio che potrai anche mangiare in loco per non sprecarne la freschezza e la fragranza. Numerose sono le aziende agrituristiche dove è possibile gustare i tipici piatti della gastronomia iblea e siciliana.
La Villa di "Contrada Gelso" è facilmente raggiungibile dalla prospiciente strada provinciale.

Dicono di noi

A wonderful holiday

We recommend this charming villa set amongst the fields outside of Ragusa as the perfect place to relax. It is so peaceful and the surrounding countryside is beautiful.The only sounds you will occasionally hear are the neighbour's dogs and a rooster. We visited in May 2012 and apart from one day the weather was warm and sunny. The large and well maintained pool provided an excellent place to have fun and cool down in the afternoon. We were on our honeymoon and the friendly owners Elio and his wife Giovanna provided us with a host of local treats and a celebratory bottle of Prosecco. They were full of useful information and very kind to us. The villa has been lovingly restored by the owners and is clean, spacious and well kitted out. The kitchen has every utensil and appliance you could wish to use. There is a wealth of fresh produce to purchase in the towns nearby, so if like us you enjoy cooking you will be able to make some fantastic dishes! The garden is beautiful, with hammocks ideally positioned in the shade for an afternoon nap. The location is ideal and we were easily able to explore the picturesque baroque towns of Ragusa, Modica and Noto. The flower festival held in Noto in May is an event not to be missed! Ragusa Ibla and Modica are great for an afternoon or evening walk followed by an ice cream or aperitivo. They have a wealth of bars, gelaterias and restaurants. The Caffè dell'Arte in Modica sells the best chocolate we have ever tasted. The Osteria dei Sapori Perduti in Modica is a lovely place to eat. The menu is fantastic value, serving a variety of traditional, unpretentious Sicilian dishes. During our stay we also got time to visit The Valley of the Temples at agrigento, The Scala dei Turchi, Siracusa & Ortigia. They were well worth visiting and very easy to do as day trips. For those wanting to visit the beach, nearby Marina di Ragusa is worth a trip. I believe Elio also has an apartment there to rent. A thoroughly enjoyable and memorable stay.

By Rafael from Southend on Sea, UK for a stay in May 2012

Excellent rent experience in a nice area of Sicily

"Nous sommes allés deux étés successifs dans cette maison absolument délicieuse. L'environnement naturel est trés beau et l'on jouit méme d'une vue sur la mer au loin depuis la terrasse. La maison est trés joliment renovée avec des matériaux anciens, tout est trés propre et de bon goét. La piscine est trés agréable. Nos deux séjours furent un enchantement. Elio et Giovanna, les propriétaires, sont pleins d'attention et extrémement accueillants. Un petit coin de paradis."

By Judith from Lille, France for a stay in Juillet 2009


Since October 2013, the company RyanAir has weekly flights from London (Stansted), Brussels (Charleroi) and Rome (Ciampino) to Sicily - Comiso Airport.
Comiso is located just 10 km from the Villa Ragusa and 20 km from the Residence Punta di Mola in Marina di Ragusa



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